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Autistic Wellbeing Planning


11 Sept 2024

Burnt Out First Aid

Developing Your Personalised Burn Out Plan

"When I'm in Burn Out sometimes I forget what to do to support myself; having my plan front & centre helps my family support me to remember" - G

The above is just one example of an Autistic First Aid Kit (or Burn Out Support). The aim of this post is to remind everyone that what works for you, might not work for your child, or your partner... so making it clear what works for you is important.

When we move into Burn Out, one common feature is that our executive functioning can take a major hit: we can't plan, we can't make choices, we lose track of time... and of course, sometimes we find it hard to know how to support ourselves. The beauty of having a First Aid Kit that is pre-planned and available to your care team is that they may be able to offer support when you are otherwise unable to communicate what you need.

For children, First Aid Kits, can be much more simple, or include pictures to point to. The headings are all up for negotiation: maybe "Do, Don't, Need" are better subheadings, maybe "Comfort Foods, Comfort Items, Comfort People" is more simple?

Whatever your style, I absolutely encourage you all to think about what Self Care, and Recovering from Burn Out needs to look like - then write it down, pop the list near the Coffee Space or on The Fridge, and take time to prep your care team.

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